Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Don't Keep Your Photos All Bottled Up! Make Scrapbook Pages with Them!

I was scrolling through Facebook one day and saw a post from one of my "country cousins" showing off all the green beans she and he daughters had harvested and then put into canning bottles in what I'm sure was a long, hard, steam-filled day.

And I thought to myself, "Hey Sean, what about making a digital card kit with a canning theme?"

So that's what I did, with this new kit called Bottled Up.

And here's a sample page I made from my cousin's photos that I sent along to her.

When I get an idea for a kit, I search online for graphic packs that I can commercially license (buy from the artist or designer and then modify and sell as my own), which it what I did with these graphics. Then I add my own titles or wording to the graphics when I make them into the card sizes I want to include in the kit. I tend to do simple borders in matching colors with artwork in the corners for journaling cards, and larger artwork for filler cards.

 Once I have a few basic ideas for the cards themselves, I work to make them as versatile as possible and make the same card over in multiple size and orientations. You never know what size pocket you'll have space for on your page for a journaling or filler card, and I hate it when I find the perfect card in a PL app card kit, but it doesn't come in the pocket size I need it to. So I try to make all my cards fit multiple pocket sizes, even if I have to recreate them and adjust the artwork a bit to do so.

Here's a few more examples of the kinds of cards available in this kit. I included some blue and black speckled filler cards that reminded me of the canning pots we used at our house growing up. Plus I love the graphic of the "bottle lifter" tool that I remember using growing up to pull the hot bottles of peaches out of the water when helping my mom. :)

I'll be creating more kits in the coming weeks, so check back here for more photos or the kits, cards, and pages I make with the kits! And be sure to check out my shop where all my cards kits can be found!

From the Duck Pond Shop

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