Thursday, May 10, 2018

Trick or Treat...

I really don't know how many people even read this, but here is another paper scrapbook page (a two-page spread) that I have worked to convert into a digital, Project Life app page.

The original pages were created waaaaaaaay back at the turn of the century! LOL And they are pretty representative of what scrapbooking was like back then: stickers, cardstock matted photos, and per my usual, NO journaling!

Getting the pictures into slots was pretty straight forward. Even though they were originally glued on the page at an angle, they still worked in the slots (which you'll see in the finished product further below).

In looking through the possible PL app kits to use for the page, of course I looked at the Halloween set, but it was all blacks and oranges, and I knew I wanted to bring in the purple and green colors from the pictures and cardstock matte.  So I sifted through the available kits, looking for the perfect purple and green, and preferably, both in the same kit! 

It didn't take long for me to settle on the Awesome Edition kit. Right shade of purple. Right shade of green. Score!

I was using Design Template D, which has the four 3x4 card slots right down the middle of the page, so I decided to alternate purple, green, purple, green going down, with just plain color cards.

I knew I wanted to duplicate the "title" of the original page that said, "Halloween 2000" but wanted more than just my usual skinny font (I tend to do everything in the Amatic font).

So I picked the Mouse Memoirs font, because it was a little "chunky" and added the word "Halloween" and put it at a 120 font size to take up as much space as possible on the card.

I decided to do this in a FFT (Free Form Text) box, instead of the normal journaling box so I could move it around within the space at will. I put it in white and then moved it to the middle of my purple card. Then I added a second FFT box, repeated the word "Halloween" in the same font, same size, but changed the color to green.

From there, I carefully positioned the green word over the top of my white word, but then just slightly shifted it so that I got a 3D layered effect! This really works well with the chunky fonts--which is the reason I chose it!

Then, I added another FFT text box, and entered a slash ( / ) character and used the little dot button in the bottom right corner to rotate it until is was no longer diagonal, but straight up and down! Then I moved the slash so that it looked like it was a strand of spider web attached to the bottom of one of the "e" letters!

And then I added yet another FFT text box, pulled in a spider emoji, and positioned it so it was dangling from my "web strand" !

One journaling slot down, three to go!

For the next card, I started out with a FFT text box and added the spider web emoji, enlarged it a little bit, and put it in the corner of the card. Then added another FFT text box with a spider emoji and placed it on top of the web. Using emojis in this way is kind of like using digital stickers!

Then I added the journaling onto the green card like normal (no FFT text box) and typed it out, putting in manual hard returns whenever the text was going to run into my web/spider images.

For the next journaling card, I typed out my text, enlarged it to fill the space, and then looked it over. I wanted to accent a couple of the words in the text, so I used a couple of layered FFT text boxes, put a purple (to match my card color) letter "I" and masked (covered up) the words "Mummy" and "Deady" in the original journaling.

That left me with just blank purple space where those words used to be. Then I added two additional FFT text boxes, added the words "Mummy" and "Deady" back in, in the Mouse Memoirs font, and enlarged them to fit the blank spaces!

For the last journaling card, I repeated the 3D layering trick for the year "2000", and wham-o! Another page done!

Now to decide if I like the white borders best...

...or the black? Let me know what you like best in the comments!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Lots of great tips here Sean! I like the white background, but I always tend to default to white. :)

    1. I'm usually a white border guy, too! But I like the black on this one!

  3. Black, it doesn't distract the eye.

  4. That's a hard call! I like the black but white looks good too. I thought your original page was cute and of course similar to my older ones, so I was a bit nervous to see it updated Lol! I think it ended up looking wonderful! Plus with the added journaling the page tells more of the story which is great, because as I look at my older pages with little to no journaling (I used to stress over having the perfect catchy title instead) I realize I am starting to forget the details ☹
    I read your interview on the CraftyJulie blog (loving those) and your tips have helped me so much! Thank you for taking the time to go over your process of organizing your photos, I was struggling with that as I am trying to get caught up on the last three years and stay current. My phone recently died (thank goodness for Google photos) but I had not backed up my layouts from the Project Life App for the last three months so they are gone. I pouted over and then set up my Dropbox to follow your process of saving the completed pages right away.
    Just want to say I love your blog! I think you are a genius! I love how your updated pages are turning out! It's motivating me to think about doing that to mine.....just thinking about it..... But I do look back and really hate that I dared cut photos into shapes and with fancy scissors no less. Then stuck them on a triangle haha!
    So know someone is reading and can't wait to see a new update 😉
    Thank you for taking the time to share.

    1. Well thanks for reading, and I'm glad what I'm doing it useful to you!

  5. Wow! So many great ideas here. You are really using the FFT in cool ways. Thanks for taking the time to write all this up.

    1. It's fun for me to recreate the pages. Takes me down memory lane more so that just looking through the old scrapbooks! Plus I can add things to it that I should have included all along (journaling)!

  6. What?!?! That turned out way cool!


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